Dub Dub and I had to catch with our friends to Marco Polo for a fashion show. We were dog late already that we have missed the whole show. It was kinda disappointing for Dub Dub since he wanted to really see that fashoin show. My Dub Dub designs and decorates a lot of occassions so he would have wanted to see the boquets that the brides were holding. I wish he had finished earlier. Anyway, after there we went down to eat at McDonald's, our usual hang-out. I'm financially challenged as of that day until Wednesday since my pay-out date will be on the 30th still. My Dub Dub will be giving me "life-support" 'til we get there. We were with our friends. It was really nice seeing all of them after a looooong time that we never showed up. I was so busy with work, gymming, sleeping and spending time with my Dub Dub. He was also busy with his decoration gimmicks and all that. He was telling me yesterday that he was sorry because he could not spend time with me for the past few days. I told him that it was okay. He also has to spend a time for himself and the things that he enjoys. He was also thanking me for understanding his situation. I made sure that he knew that I was not disappointed and I did understand the situation. I'm alwasy happy that Dub Dub and I have been in such open communication with each other. I always tell him that we should clarify things between us if there is a bit of confusing that is happenning. My Dub Dub is not a mind reader and I not one either. We agreed that we should always point out what we want and what we need. If one is disappointed, he should tell his partner. The word "okay" is an overused word. One person may say I'm okay but he was really not okay. I remember one time when I was telling Dub Dub about the pictorial for a porn mag that my friend Ricky was offering to me. He went silent and then just sent me an SMS telling me that I should not talk about that stupid pictorial because it will just gave him paranoia and that he doesn't want to lose me. I asked him if he was okay. He told me he was okay but I guessed that something was wrong. He may look okay in the inside but he may be one big confused and hurting person on the inside. What I did? I dug out deeper into his heart. I looked into his eyes and ask him sincerely to tell me what's inside his heart. He poured his heart out. He cried so much and the I saw in his eyes the sincerity of his heart and the purity of his love for me. I know that by doing that I opened a door into his heart and I also opened a door to his heart. He was telling me also before dinner that I know him that well already. He noticed that there were times that I know what he feels. When his mad, when his disappointed or when hurt. He feels that he should not be telling me if he feels those things because I know all that. I told him that it doesn't work this way. We should always to anything between us. Anything that may affect us both. Anything that may compromise our relationship of put everything in jeopardy. Loving is protecting your loved one from getting hurt. Dub Dub and Lub Lub made sure that we protect that precious jewel we have for each other. Try your best to keep that fire alive between you and your partner. These little things may end a relationship or may keep the relationship stronger and better every single day. Why? It is because these little things mean a lot.
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