I was off work. I'll have a two-day vacation. We were planning to go to Oslob to spend the days together in his Grandmum's rest house. Something came up. Something that none of us would expect. He got the job that he wanted and he had a lot of papers to accomplish. So, I was with him for the whole day. I was awake for 24-hours. Can you believe that? I was at work from 10:00 p.m. the night before and we sleep at 10:00 p.m. the following night. So, it was a 24-hour-alch3mist-so-awake moment.

Here's my lovey dovey dubby dub sticking his tongue out when I sneaked up on him to get a candid shot. Hehehe! Looks like a cabdid shot at all. *wink!*

We had a picture taken with Dub Dub's Mum. Dub Dub has his mum's eyes. The eyes that made me fall for him. The eyes that keeps ny heart beating slower and faster at the same time.
We went to his University after there. Here I am outside the building. I was leaning on that big pillar to get some rest and then I took of shot of my restless eyes. I'm still hot, am I? Well, that's me, to hot to handle but to tender to kiss. Hahahaha!
Well, he invited he inside the room. I was on the couch and then I just took a picture of myself (again) without the flash on. See? It's a work of art. Hahahaha! Only the electric fan is there to ruin th picture. Hahahaha!
We were in Robinson's Galleria to have his picture taken. While waiting for his turn? Well, we have "our" picture taken as well. *wink!* Almost tired bit we still look fine. We're a couple or restless cuties. Hahahaha!

Bored-to-death? Naaah! We were almost pissed because the in-charge have forgotten about Dub Dub's turn. What a nerd! This looks like a candid picture indeed, Not for me, but for him.

The side view? Yeah! The side view. Nothing to say but the side view. We had a nice time together. We took a dip on the public pool before we went home to out love's nest. God, I forgot to take a picture of ourselves on our trunks. I'll post it next time. See yah!
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