You know how stupid I am today? I ruined my sweet prince's day. *sobs!* I went to see Myqel during my one hour break. It was great. He was happy to see me. Some guy ruined the night. I ended up banging the cab door. I felt the hurt on Myqel's face. The cab made its way. I felt so heavy inside. So, I told the cab driver to get back. I went out the cab. I called him out and said Myqel, I'm sorry. When he saw me, he rushed toward me. I hugged him and he went with me inside the cab. The cab driver drove to where I was going and we hugged each other in the cab crying our heart out. I cried because I hurt him again. I ask my apology but I guess it was not enough. He was really crying very hard. The same way last May 3rd. I hate myself so much. It's a problem with me. I don't wanna lose him just because of few misunderstandings which lead into a fight. I don't wanna mess up our relationship. We'll be turning three months and I'm afarid to lose him because of my inequity and selfishness. I'm so selfish. Myqel loves me so much. I know!
(Henaku agaw eksena na naman aku! Nakakahiya sa mga tao sa mensroom. *sigh!*) I could not take the burden of letting my Dub Dub down. I failed again. I hurt him again. I made him cry. That's how stupid I am. *sigh!*
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