Bisexuality is the human sexual orientation which refers to the aesthetic, romantic, or sexual desire for people of either gender or of either sex.Gay is an adjective meaning "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy"; however in modern usage, gay is a word usually used, as either a noun or adjective, to refer to same-sex sexual orientation; homosexuality.In short, being "bi" or "gay" is just a person's preference(s) of the people he likes to have sex with.However, it seems that in our country, the stereotype of a "gay" person is the effeminate or cross-dressing male who we see in beauty parlors or in the pageants we see on television. This was, I think due to Dolphy's portrayal of this subtype during the 1960's and 1970's. As a result, the straight-acting gays are now confused of where they should be, and now define themselves as "bi", when in truth they have no iota of interest in girls. Likewise, the effeminate bisexuals have also taken to calling themselves "gay" although they have wives whom they have sex on a regular basis.Moral: Stop confusing your sexual preferences with your personality. Either you're a straight heterosexual, an effeminate heterosexual, a straight bisexual, an effeminate bisexual, a straight-acting homosexual, an effeminate homosexual, a cross-dresser, or a transvestite. Each has its own definition.
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