I believe trust is more important than monogamy. Once broken, you can no longer put it back. Just like Humpty-Dumpty. Stupid of him to sat on the wall and fall. And so stupid of me to have written this. However, if you can put it back, it may never be the same thing again. The truth hurts. It's powerful. It's like a sharp knife. It may be used to crave images and inspire others but can also inflict so much pain. Things honestly said won't hurt that much. One must face the truth, for truth set things in their proper order. Trust! A difficult thing to fix. And if you can't fix it, just step on it.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A Valentine's Day to Remember
More than a year ago, I was with someone I cared for. I was almost in the brink of giving my all to him, giving all of me. I always had a haunch that this guy was cheating on me so I started to back off and then I fell out of love for him. He wasn't the one I am willing to give my whole heart to.
I believe trust is more important than monogamy. Once broken, you can no longer put it back. Just like Humpty-Dumpty. Stupid of him to sat on the wall and fall. And so stupid of me to have written this. However, if you can put it back, it may never be the same thing again. The truth hurts. It's powerful. It's like a sharp knife. It may be used to crave images and inspire others but can also inflict so much pain. Things honestly said won't hurt that much. One must face the truth, for truth set things in their proper order. Trust! A difficult thing to fix. And if you can't fix it, just step on it.
I believe trust is more important than monogamy. Once broken, you can no longer put it back. Just like Humpty-Dumpty. Stupid of him to sat on the wall and fall. And so stupid of me to have written this. However, if you can put it back, it may never be the same thing again. The truth hurts. It's powerful. It's like a sharp knife. It may be used to crave images and inspire others but can also inflict so much pain. Things honestly said won't hurt that much. One must face the truth, for truth set things in their proper order. Trust! A difficult thing to fix. And if you can't fix it, just step on it.
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