Lovers at sunset.

It’s been a while. Well, work is exhausting me. I feel like quitting but I don’t have a choice. I have to stay on this job. *sigh!* The grass is no more greener on the other side, you know. It’s just the same. The challenges that you see now will be different from the challenges that you will see on the other side. I have plans. Lots of them. I try to balance my job, my family and my Dub Dub. I’m glad he has been with me through all this time. It’s always nice to go home and find your love one sleeping soundly; then he wakes up lightly to see you smiling and then he kisses you back and then falls back to sleep again. Last Monday, we phoned in sick for work. We felt like we don’t want to work. We just wanna spend the whole day together. If we could only quit our job and be with each other day-in and day-out, then we would do that. Reality says that we have to work to survive. We cannot live in the city. I could still remember how lonely it is if you don't have someone to confide your frustrations to. I’ve been there. I’ve been fooled. I’ve been hurt. I was almost afraid to to love again but then broken hearts found each other. We been there for each other and I have sacrificed a lot if things for Dub Dub and Dub Dub has sacrificed a lot of things for me as well. Dub Dub loves me so much that he chose me over his family. I’m worth the slaps on his face and a punch in his chest. I almost let go of Dub Dub because he failed one time but I kept him because he is worth the pain and tears. He’s a perfect catch. There are a lot of fishes in the ocean as there are boys in the LGBT network. He’s one of a kind a rare fish and you couldn’t find that fish anywhere in the ocean. I swam the ocean, fought sharks and jellyfish. I’ve swam with turtles, been swallowed by a whale and almost been breakfast. I’ve search the entire ocean looking for him and there he is, the perfect catch. I’m just glad always that Dub Dub has stayed with me through all these months. We vowed to be there for each other through thick and thin. I will do my best to keep him. He’s a catch and men like him are rare. They’re almost extinct. *grin!* I’m glad that we found each other. I’m glad we are together, completing each other’s heartbeat. Lub Dub, Lub Dub, Lub Dub, Lub Dub…
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