Well, to give you a background. It’s a submarine trench in the floor of the Philippine Sea of the western North Pacific Ocean bordering the east coast of the island of Mindanao and tip of Leyte, where my town is located. The abyss, which reaches the second greatest depth known in any ocean, was first plumbed in 1927 by the German ship Emden. The reading obtained at that time was the first indication of the actual near-record depth. In 1945 the USS Cape Johnson recorded a sounding of 34,440 feet (10,497 m), slightly exceeded by the 34,578-foot sounding originally made by the Danish Galathea in 1951. They say it is also rich in liquid hydrogen (deuterium). The fuel needed to propel rockets.
Going back to the main subject, we were broiling fish. Me and Dub Dub had stuffed the fish with onions, tomatoes and garlic. We had fun broiling it. My sister was there too. We talked and laughed while we were doing it. I was almost burnt when I tried to turned the fish to it’s other side to cook. It’s not that easy as you think. You need a lot of concentration. Hahahahaha!
Everybody was working to get everything done. Mum prepared the picnic basket. When every thing was ready, we got dressed. Well, not really dressed. We were not going to a party; we’re going for a splash in the water. We were good. As usual, Dub Dub and I would just strip and then with our briefs on, we hurried down to the water. I was refreshing and the water was cool. The sky was clear. My Dad’s cousin was there too and her husband and her youngest kid. We had "tuba" or the local wine from coconut. It’s one of the town’s favorite. A party would not be complete without it. We had "pansit" too. Another of Dad’s Chinese cuisine. We had fun. We enjoyed the whole time. The longest weekend we had. We went home at around half past two. We had to go to Church because Mum wanted us too. Dub Dub wouldn’t want to miss church either.
My Dad is Buddhist and my Mum’s Catholic. I’m both so it makes my life neutral. Hahahahahaha! I practice a lot of Chinese culture as well.
We had early dinner too because were going to see the circus and stunts by 7 o’clock. Well, so it goes. Overall, It was a fun weekend and a great Sunday for all of us.
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